This guide covers how to use the change the settings for your printouts
Step 1: Where do I find the settings to change my receipts?
Step 2: Customer receipt settings
Step 3: Kitchen receipt settings
Troubleshooting/Common Issues
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Step 1: Where do I find the settings to change my receipts?
1.1 All settings can be accessed via the “Receipt Settings” button on the settings. The section is split into customer receipts at the top and kitchen receipts at the bottom
Step 2: Customer receipt settings
2.1 Here, settings can be changed for each customer receipt individually (Delivery, Pick Up and Dine In). It is possible to change the assigned printer, and number of receipts printed. In addition, with "print article number" the article numbers on the receipt can be turned on or off.
2.2 "Marketing Text" is a customizable text section at the bottom of the receipt, that could for example be used to advertise the webshop
2.3 The Delivery receipt has the additional option to print a QR code that opens the delivery address of the order when scanned in
Step 3: Kitchen receipt settings
3.1 Here, a new kitchen recipt can be created. By default the POS will print a single kitchen receipt with all products. With "Add new" a new kitchen receipt can be created.
The POS will try to print one copy of each kitchen receipt that has been created
3.2 The name should be chosen to better identify the receipt if multiple are used. The assigned printer decided where the receipt is printed.
3.3 Only the categories that are selected in the categories section will be printed on the receipt
3.4 At the bottom of the categories list are the settings to print the article numbers on the kitchen receipt
3.5 With the "Remove" button the currently selected kitchen receipt can be deleted.
Troubleshooting/Common Issues
Currently, there are no known issues related to this guide. If you encounter any problems, please reach out to our support team for assistance.