When you receive a new order, it will show up at the top of your Order Manager application.
To view the order, press "View order".
Here, you can see the details of the order, the requested time for pickup, what the customer is paying and whether the order is prepaid or not.
At the bottom you'll have two options. Clicking "Accept" will cause the order to be printed out on your terminal, and trigger a confirmation e-mail to be sent to the customer.
If you press the "Decline" button, you can reject the order. You'll be prompted to confirm that you want to cancel the selected order in the pop-up displayed below.
Press "OK" to confirm the cancellation, and trigger an e-mail confirmation to the customer.
Keep in mind that you can only decline the order before it has been accepted. If you accept the order but later decide to cancel it - reach out to our Support team and they will assist you.